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Royal Society of Chemistry - society for British chemists. Contains news, jobs, journals and articles of general interest

American Chemical Society - American equivalent of the above

Biochemical Society - society for British biochemists

Royal Society - society fellows include some of the worlds best researchers. Promotes research and public awareness

Vega Trust - society for the public understanding of science, under the auspices of Nobel laureate Professor Sir H. Kroto

The British Association - promotes the public understanding of science

British Biophysical Society - research into the physical forces governing natural systems. UK equivalent to the US Biophysical Society, affiliated to EBSA

European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA) - formed in 1984 as a non-profit making organisation to advance Biophysics in Europe.

Biophysical Society - research into the physical forces governing natural systems. Home of the Biophysical Journal

Research Councils (funding)

EPSRC - engineering and physical sciences research council

BBSRC - biological sciences research council

MRC - medical research council

Wellcome Trust - medical-related research

Leverhulme Trust - grants and fellowships for academics

The Nuffield Foundation - project grants, undergraduate research bursaries, commonwealth initiatives

The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 - funding for young scientists

RCUK - research councils UK. Information on research council policy

UK Research Office (UKRO) - information on European initiatives, partner search, etc...

Journals and Magazines

New Scientist - scientific articles for all backgrounds and tastes

Nature - popular UK scientific journal featuring primary publications, reviews, news and discussion

Science Magazine - popular US scientific journal featuring primary publications, reviews, news and discussion

Informatics Resources

Protein Databank (PDB) - high resolution protein structures

PDB Select - non-redundant version of the above

SCOP - structural classification of proteins

CATH - a hierarchical classification of protein domain structures

UNIPROT - powerful sequence database

BLAST (US) - search all available protein and DNA sequence databases

CLUSTALX - perform sequence alignments. Downloadable software

LipidBank - lipid data bank from the JBCL. Includes some chemical data

LIPID MAPS Lipidomics Gateway - Lots of information on lipids and their identification. Includes chemical data and structures

PRIDE - An archive of protein expression data determined by mass spectrometry

Bioinformatics Groups/Information

European Bioinformatics Institute

ExPASy - Molecular biololgy site, with many useful links and tools for bioinformatics and proteomics

EMBL - European molecular biology laboratory

The Sanger Institute


ISI Journal Abbreviations

Journal Abbreviations - primarily biological science journals - current vacancies for the UK academic community